ec-H2o Technology

ec-H2O technology electrically converts water into an innovative cleaning solution that cleans effectively, saves money, improves safety, and reduces environmental impact compared to daily cleaning floor chemicals and methods.

Cleans Effectively

Real-world testing by customers and a third party has shown that scrubbing with ec-H2O technology effectively removes soil. And ec-H2O leaves no chemical residue so your floors retain that polished look with simplified ongoing floor maintenance.

Saves Money

Using ec-H2O technology can deliver cost savings and productivity gains by reducing training, purchasing, storing, handling, and mixing tasks and costs associated with floor cleaning chemicals.

Increases Safety

NFSI certifies that ec-H2O technology significantly improves floor traction, which can reduce slip-and-fall accidents. NSF registration means that ec-H2O is safe to use even in food and beverage handling environments.

Reduces Environmental Impact

ec-H2O technology significantly reduces the environmental impact of cleaning operations in seven key categories, according to a third-party study by EcoForm. Scrubbers equipped with ec-H2O technology can scrub up to three times longer with a single tank of water and use up to 70% less water than conventional floor scrubbing methods.



  1. November 2012 | Clemas on November 1, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    […] ec-H2O, No Chemicals Needed In Your Floor Scrubber Dryer! […]