Hygiene Poverty: Education

Hygiene poverty in education

Behind school gates, it’s wild. Chaotic. Every minute counts. This can make cleaning a tough job, even for the most experienced cleaner. We understand your need to uphold hygiene standards whilst saving time, money and backache. Lugging heavy buckets of water and manually mopping is traditional, but completely unhygienic, time consuming and physically taxing. There…

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Cleaning Machine Parts: ONLINE STORE

cleaning machine parts

Our business is changing. Essentially, we’ve launched an entirely new branch of the business! Typically when you work with us, you contact our team to let us know what you’re looking for and our friendly team guide you through the process – which we continue to deliver! Our new online store further streamlines this process…

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Scrubber Dryer Maintenance

Lets be real, if you expect your scrubber dryer to consistently deliver optimum cleaning results, you’re going to need to look after it. Like any other relationship, there’s give and take… even with your scrubber dryer. This means simple scrubber dryer maintenance. If you’re new here, HELLO! So you’re in the loop, a scrubber dryer…

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imop Vs Mop & Bucket

  To be blunt with you, traditional cleaning methods aren’t the way forward anymore. They don’t ‘clean’. Why spend hours manually cleaning for 0 results when we can mechanise the process to skyrocket hygiene and cleaning efficiency?! Introducing the imop. If you’re not yet convinced to ditch the mop and bucket; here are 4 reasons…

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The Rise Of Robot Cleaners

This isn’t science fiction; robot cleaners are the todays reality! Having now transformed from their once humble beginnings, they’ve evolved into smart, efficient, and valued cleaning-team members that automate floor cleaning. Besides being awesome little cleaning ninjas, let’s not forget the personality these bots bring to the cleaning party. Picture your robot cleaner as a…

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2023 Wrapped Up

Time marches on. Quite literally, it’s December already?! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your continued business and supporting Clemas for another year! Anyway, we know what you’re here for… you want to know what we’ve been up to… In no specific order: Clemas underwent a full-scale company rebrand to…

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Used Cleaning Machines

Used cleaning machines

If you need quality used cleaning machines on a budget, you’re in the right place. Every company has different budget requirements, so even if a new machine isn’t on the cards, you should know that pre-loved cleaning equipment can be just as efficient if it’s been well maintained. Here at Clemas, our specialist engineers ensure…

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Hire A Cleaning Machine

Hire A Cleaning Machine

Clemas understands that it won’t suit everyone to buy a cleaning machine, which is why we give you the option to hire a cleaning machine with different contracts available to meet your requirements. If we’re talking about hire, look what you can get as standard Quick and easy access to a specialist machine for the…

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Our New Identity

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been working our socks off to perfect the launch of our new identity. Have you ever stopped to consider that you were once a helpless baby? Look how much you’ve grown; see how far you’ve come. Think about each phase of your life that you’ve experienced to arrive…

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Quality Service Sets Clemas & Co Apart From The Rest

The machine and its price are just part of a much bigger picture There are so many suppliers you could buy your next floor cleaning machine from and it’s often the case that the machine features and getting the best price is the priority. It’s worth considering that this could prove costly in the long…

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